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AViD Uganda

we emphasize on empowerment

We are a Christian grassroots ministry with an education facility both in academia and vocational skills development for teen moms, teen dads, single mothers and the general community. 
In Africa, almost half of the population is Christian and it is predominant in Uganda. The biggest challenge in rural Uganda is the domination of evil altars that bind millions of people in poverty. A lot of interventions have been done but with zero impact because until we demolish the evil altars first and empower the people to know God, to Worship Him in truth and in spirit, what we do will be in vain.
At Avid Uganda, we emphasize on empowerment both in spirit and technical skill to enable the underserved to change from poverty to prosperity and to power.
Mission; Reaching the underserved through Christ and Education.
Vision: A fully transformed society.

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accomodation, food, tours and travel