African Village Initiative for Christ is a Born- Again Christian non-profit dedicated to empowering churches in the villages of Uganda. In Africa, almost half of the population is Christian and it is predominant in Uganda. We take it upon ourselves to claim the move of God in the villages of Uganda in order to see the prophecy of our nation come to life.
Our Vision: Bringing down God’s dominion in the villages of Uganda (Mathew 6:10)
Our Mission: Empowering churches in villages to possess their territory for our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).
To learn more, click on the Initiative for Christ page.
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Our team
Rehemah Nanyonga, Co-Director, African Initiative for Christ
Nadia Buko, Head Adult school
Emily Buko, Head of children school
We have accomodation services at our country home for guests. Come visit us.