Donate to enable us to bring the dominion of God in the villages of Uganda. Thank you & God Bless You!
We use worldremit or remitly or sendwave to receive your support because it is the most convenient for us since we are in the village areas of Uganda. With Worldremit, we receive your support directly on our mobile phone and without any deductions.
Kindly download the app and DONATE! Here is the number you can use to transfer your support to us. Thank You! Galatians 6:2.
Thank you for enabling the Kingdom of God to come on earth! Mathew 6:10
Join our Volunteers Club
Join our volunteers club whether in person or online to help us in administration. Dedicate only an hour a week to help in a specific role in administration or help to invite new members into the club.
You can help us in building Partnerships with like minded initiatives like Christian organizations, institutions like schools, Universities among others.
This is an essential element which requires special intervention to enable the effective administration of the various ministry activities. You can help us fundraise for either finances or in-kind donations like Bibles, books, writing pads, computers, children story books, pencils and pens, clothes, shoes among others that we can use in the resource center for material supplies.
Create LIFE LONG IMPACT in the lives of children in the villages of Uganda by contributing only $20 a month. This monthly contribution will take us a long way to pay teachers, buy school material, food for the children and general operation costs to keep the school running for the children in the villages of Uganda. THANK YOU!